Our free platform
for you!

Track your usage, set goals and earn badges! 

Sign up now for the 
Moti4 platform:

Free, without obligation & for the whole of the Netherlands

In addition to the Moti4 trajectory that you can follow together with one of our Moti4 employees, we also offer a free platform. On this platform you can keep track of your use or gaming behavior and find out on which days you drink, smoke or game the most. 

The platform is completely free and can also be used without the guidance of one of our Moti4 employees. No personal information, such as your address or date of birth, is requested, so it is completely safe. Would you like to get started with tracking your usage? Then register for free on our extensive platform. Do you want to follow a complete Moti4 program in your area? Then sign up for these free conversations. 

The platform for you

Via the dashboard you can navigate to all parts of the platform, such as registering your use, determining your goals and earning cool badges and inviting Moti4 employees to view your profile. 

You are in control yourself! 

Register your usage

On the Moti4 platform you can easily keep track of your usage every day. You first choose what you have used or done, such as drinking alcohol, smoking weed and/or gaming. 

Then you indicate how much you drank, gamed or smoked, how did you start with it, how you felt, who you were with and how much money you spent on it. 

In this way you can accurately keep track of how much you have actually used and decide for yourself whether you think this is too much or good enough. 

Track your progress

If you accurately keep track of how much you have used or gamed every day, you can then see in a handy overview on which day of the week, in which month or in which year you use the most. 
Below this overview are some fun facts that show your progress and whether you think this could be done even better. 

Your use, your choice! 


Set personal goals

On the Moti4 platform you can give yourself goals, or challenges. These goals ensure that you can fill your free time better and better and they are also just fun to do! 
If you have completed a challenge, you will earn a badge! 

Show off your progress! 


A little help!

On the platform you can also invite one of our Moti4 employees to go through the entire Moti4 process together. Moti4 is given by the employees of the Prevention Department in your area. Moti4 is not a program with therapists in white coats, but with employees who understand where you come from. Together with you, they look for the solution that suits you best. Moti4 is completely free and you do not need a note from your doctor to participate.

Anonymous, trusted and personal!



Your privacy comes first! 

You decide with whom you share your data! 


Sign up now and start registering your usage

  Join our platform!

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